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yolo started off as a short two-part series uploaded by australian cartoonist michael cusack on youtube and newgrounds, part one being posted in 2012 and part two in 2014. the story follows two girls by the names of sarah and rachel, spending a night out going clubbing and partying and whatnot. the simple animated series became a full tv show called “YOLO: Crystal Fantasy” and its pilot premiered on adult swim on april 1, 2020 (same date as smiling friends!)
yolo crystal fantasy is the name of the first season, and it introduces the audience to some new-ish characters. some of them have been seen before if you are somewhat of a cusack critter like me heh.
michael cusack used to(?) run a parody account on twitter and youtube where he would dress up as a neckbearded man named lucas the magnificent, giving his opinion on videogames and the world. He would later feature in the animate show and become one of the major characters. (his youtube video also appears briefly in smiling friends too but i dont want to go on a tangent) peleeken mischief maker is an orange thing, presumably a critter from the smiling friends universe. there are a lot of theories that the yolo and sf universe is the same thing but i dont want to go on a tangent again. he loves fun and he is so fun yayyyy grown ass man
sarah’s mom (that’s her first name) has appeared on one of michael cusack’s youtube animations where she appears to be the mother of like 10 different other children instead. i dotn even know where sarahs dad came from Frankly i dont care about them